Waminda Inc. (Waminda Community House) is committed to providing a safe and respectful space free from all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying. Waminda Community House has zero tolerance towards discrimination, harassment and bullying in the workplace.
Waminda Community House - Waminda Inc. provides a place where the community has opportunities to meet, participate in programs and activities, and access up to date information in a safe, supportive and socially inclusive environment.
Waminda Strategic Plan 2022-25 supports this vison.
Waminda Community House was established in Benalla on 20th August 1984 to provide a vibrant community space accessible to all community members.
Waminda conducts programs on site at 41 Ballantine Street, Benalla and off-site at venues around the town, depending on the activities being run.
Waminda Community House is one of 27 neighbourhood houses and community centres in the Goulburn North East Region and is a member of the GNEACC Network and Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHVic).
Neighbourhood Houses Victoria is the peak body for the Neighbourhood House and Leaning Centre sector in Victoria, with 16 Regional Neighbourhood House Networks operating across the State in a variety of ways. The Regional Networks are autonomous communities, managed and incorporated bodies that provide local support and advocacy for Houses and Centres in that Network.
Waminda is funded annually by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) through the Neighbourhood Houses Co-ordination Program (NHCP) to provide 25 opening hours per week to the Benalla and District Community. This funding primarily covers the wages of the coordinator. Waminda Community House has to raise additional funds to undertake programs and cover other running costs.
Waminda Community House also receives funding from the Victorian Government through the Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board for student contact hours for adult education and training programs.
Waminda Community House is an Incorporated Association (Waminda Inc.) that is managed by a volunteer Board of Management elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. AGM's are usually held in November each year. Board of Management members serve a 1 year term and need to be re-elected annually.
If you have interest in being involved on the Board of Managment please contact either Waminda on 03 57624528 or email us using the contact form on the website.
Current Board of Management members are:
Executive Committee:
General Committee:
If you have any issues you would like to discuss relating to Waminda Community House please feel free to contact a Board member or Waminda Co-ordinators.